Monday, November 15, 2010

My personal resume of Acromegaly

My Cover letter 

All of these symptoms and probably more that I just don’t remember at this point, and I’ve had MRI’s, blood tests, jumped from doctor to doctor and no one had a clue, I’ve always considered myself healthy and just thought I was getting old.I thought this was normal ageing process. Even up until this year I thought I was pretty normal/healthy.

click "read more" to access 2nd half of the blog below  

 Acromegaly Resume

In 2000 I’ve always had straight teeth, but in a dental check up, I my doctor noticed I started to have a open bite and recommended braces, I got my braces off in 2003. A few years later I started to notice my open bite again, I recently told my dentist in October 2010 (the same dentist in 2000 ) about my Acromegaly and he said that is probably what’s causing my open bite because my enlarged tongue and my jaw bones shifting and growing

In 2001 I started noticing skin tags and they stopped for a while picked back up in 2006 to present I started cutting skin tags off
In 2001 I noticed my fingers were swollen, then again in 2003 my fingers were extremely swollen and I couldn’t fit into any rings
In 2001 I started to notice my shoes weren’t fitting and I had to buy bigger shoes every year, every year it got worse, to the present 2010 I can’t find shoes that fit
In 2003 I went to my doctors because my fingers were constantly going numb and the doctor said I had carpal tunnel and gave me a arm brace, said I would probably need surgery and sent me to a neurologist I didn’t go because I understand at the time what my brain had to do with my arm.
In 2003 I noticed my joints starting to hurt, I ignored it, and to the present 2010 my joints have gotten worse
In 2003 I noticed a tiny bump on the back of my neck, right on my spine that keeps getting bigger, in 2010 my specialist said its related I just don’t remember how
In 2004 my brother pointed out that I had really swollen ankles, I went to my doctors and they gave me water pills that didn’t help a whole lot
In 2004-present I would get really nausea and it continues to get worse, almost daily now
In 2004 to present, I started getting pressure headaches, behind my eyes would hurt, my nose felt like it had a lot of pressure, my head felt like it had a lot of pressure, my doctor didn’t know why.
In 2005 I was starting to get nausea off and on but more frequently, I always thought maybe it was the food I was eating, to current 2010 I’m nausea almost everyday
In 2005 my fingers and toes were going numb, they thought maybe diabetes
In 2005 I started to hit the gym hard almost on a daily and after a year my feet hurt and I started to notice I was having to buy new and a half size bigger gym shoes every six months, to the present I started struggling with keeping up with exercise I thought I was just getting older, I’ve slowly stopped going to the gym because I just got to the point to more my knees, elbows would hurt and my heart would flutter.
In 2005 I remember sitting in my car and getting really dizzy and having a bad case of vertigo and I’ve experienced vertigo off and on to the present 2010
In 2006 I went to my doctors for a regular check up and he heard something funny with my heart and ordered a echocardio gram and said my heart was enlarged and the left valve had reflux, my recent comparison in October 2010 shows my heart has enlarged since.
In 2006 I noticed a bump on my head that wouldn’t go away and the doctors took a x-ray of the bump and said it wasn’t a mass or anything and it was fine, sometimes we have extra build up
In 2006 – 2010 When I sleep I stick my tongue out, probably because it’s enlarged
In 2007 I started breaking out and getting spurts of acne when I would get stressed but I’ve never been one to have acne problems. My friend and I talked about how weird it was that I started breaking out, to the present 2010 I constantly deal with having acne. Before then honestly I think I had 3 pimples just never had to deal with skin problems.
In 2007 I was getting so fatigued so easily, I started sleeping so much more than usual and to the present it has gotten worse, I can’t ever get enough sleep, I have bags so days because my body is always so tired, my brain is always so tired.
In 2007 I looked into Laser hair removal
In 2007 I noticed my memory and concentration in school was getting really bad and went to see a neurologist
In 2007 I noticed I was getting bony in certain areas like my chest, collar bones and my ribs started poking out, but didn’t pay much attention to the changes going on. On November 4 2010 I was at work and noticed my rib cage seemed to be poking out more on the sides and had some co workers feel them and I felt there rib cages, and then I thought back to when I first started noticing the change and realized my ribs have expanded
In 2007 I noticed that my since of smell was off, when something was burning and my co workers all pointed it out but I couldn’t smell it
In 2007 I started to noticed my menstruation were a little off and months I would have it and some months nothing
In 2008 I’ve always had a good memory so when my memory and concentration seemed to be out of whack, I started to not do good in school, I told my doctor and he sent me to a neurologist, to the present in 2010 my memory keeps getting worse
In 2008 I noticed what I was thinking and what I wanted to say seemed to be off and I wasn’t able to express myself the way that I would like and my speech seemed slower, I think I’ve controlled it but sometimes I slip, it’s hard to express myself sometimes
In 2008 my mom pointed out my jaw and she asked me if my jaw dropped, in March of 2010 I was looking into facial surgery
In 2008 to current I started getting angry, moody  and didn't understand because I've always been really chipper
In 2009 I noticed my jaw started clicking and it was hard for me to open or chew sometimes my dentist said it was TMJ and it was probably due to my open bite and I would probably need braces and reconstructive surgery
In 2009 to present 2010 my mid to lower back, my sides below my ribs, under my ribs, and my actually ribs all hurt all the time
In 2009 I noticed my spine was always cracking, when I got up, sat down, laying down bent over anything, in 2010 my specialist said that was due to my spine growing
In 2009 to current 2010 I started getting hot flashes
In 2010, I went to the doctor almost every week with a bladder infection and my doctor couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t go away
In 2010 I noticed I was started having milk

My Life Lesson:

Even though the Doctors always said I was healthy I knew there was something wrong,I just had to make the doctors understand there was something wrong. I shouldn’t second guess myself just because a “doctor” can’t find something wrong.


  1. That is true. You know your body better than they do. It sucks that they blew off some of your symptoms just because they didnt know what was causing them. You are being so strong. I am proud of you.


  2. You know I can relate :) And you inspire me to push harder. Thanks lady - you are so strong and so amazing even though I know you don't always believe that, it is true. (((((hugs)))))

  3. aw thanks you guys are your support!
    @Robert, looking back at everything all of my signs, when I first found out I had this and read about it all, I was actually a little angry at my doctors for not catching it earlier but then I got over it. @Heather you inspire me with everything you have gone through.
